


Akwaaba!! If you are unfamiliar with the word, it means welcome in Ghana. We at 3GC Inc. are excited that you are here to visit and to get involved in international service learning (ISL).

3GC Inc. stands for Give. Gain. Grow. Collaborative. We are a 501 C 3 registered social enterprise non-profit organization and our motto is: GIVE FREELY. GAIN DAILY. GROW CONSCIOUSLY.

We seek to promote service- learning partnerships between Africa and the Diaspora. In Ghana, Tanzania, and Kenya, we are using a unique Pan-African Study Abroad model, to help foster commitments towards transforming education. The model, as designed by Dr. Rose Walls, Mr. Albie Walls, and Dr. Beverly Booker Ammah focuses upon developing consciousness, community engagement, and participatory action research. We provide students opportunity to put theory to practice in Ghana within academic disciplines and majors they study at their home institutions, conscious dialogues platforms with Ghanaian and Tanzanian university students and young professionals and entrepreneurs, and portals for internships and long- term study abroad programs.   Link to the new Pan African Study Abroad Manual: Amazon.com: A Study Abroad Manual: For Promoting Pan-African Consciousness and Action eBook : Booker Ammah, Beverly, Sow, Fatou, Jones Walls, Rose, Walls, Albie: Kindle Store

Over the years since 2012, we have taken over 600 students and community members from the Diaspora to Africa for service learning. These cross-cultural exchanges and intellectual interactions continue to make a positive and transformative impact among all participants. 3GC Inc is one of the founding members of the HBCU Africa Education Coalition Corp: www.hbcuafricaeducationcoalition.org

3GC Inc. welcomes your support and involvement in the provision of excellence in service and sustainable learning partnerships. Contact us at contact@weare3gc.org to initiate a consultation meeting toward an affiliation agreement.





3GC Inc. was born in 2012, when Dr. Beverly Booker Ammah, Ms. Kashima Samuels and a group of committed and passionate students at California State University Long Beach organized an Alternative Spring Break trip to Ghana.

After initially partnering with San Diego State University and with immense support of other colleagues, the trip was transformed into an international service learning program to address the lack of service learning opportunities available to students of color. Essentially, the trips provide a unique opportunity for students of color to travel and engage in service learning, cultural immersion and exchanges, along Pan-African pathways all in conjunction with mutual partners.

In the aggressive pursuit of promoting international service learning, 3GC Inc. became a 501 C 3 social enterprise Non-profit organization in March 2018.

3GC Inc. actively seeks to:

-       Explore funding opportunities to take students of color to Africa

-       Fund sustainable initiatives at service learning sites and communities

-       Engage in research and scholarship that impacts career development, leadership skills, and civic





Our mission is to initiate, promote and increase International Service Learning opportunities for all students of color. We seek to do this by using a uniquely developed Pan-African study abroad model that strengthens the bonds of solidarity between our common peoples, histories and destiny’s.

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“The Next Garvey and Nkrumah”

The picture above tells a story of Kwame and Kweku, two young men from Pram Pram, Ghana.  During a service learning trip there, these young men walked up to me and respectfully asked for their picture to be taken.  After obliging and showing them the masterpiece I had just taken I couldn’t help but to remark that they reminded me of Dr. Kwame Nkrumah and the Honorable Marcus Garvey- two stalwart revolutionary leaders.  In response, one of the young men replied, “I want to be like Marcus Garvey”. The other quickly followed with, “I also want to be like Kwame Nkrumah”. As I watched them walk away, I decided to name the picture “The Next Garvey and Nkrumah”.

Later on whilst reflecting upon the complex question of who excels best:  The young man

growing up in Africa or the one in the Diaspora?  It dawned on me that indeed both face unique and different life challenges.  What apparently is important is that as budding symbols of Africa and its Diaspora there is a need for collaboration and interaction on both sides in the concerted effort to build a stronger global community of African people.  So that began 3GC’s focus and emphasis on the Pan African approach to service learning.

- Beverly Booker Ammah