
How to become an Affiliate University/Organization

3GC Inc. welcomes developing affiliate agreements or MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) with universities, school districts, companies, and organizations for their respective students, members, and employees to participate in our service learning programs in Ghana or Tanzania.  Please email us at contact@weare3gc.org or contact us by phone at (240) 554-5849 to set up a virtual or in person consultation meeting.  

How to become a participant

3GC Inc. welcomes university students in the Diaspora and Africa to apply to participate with the 3GC Inc. Service-Learning programs in Ghana or Tanzania.  Participants are required to complete a formal 3GC Inc application with university transcripts, two letters of recommendation from university officials (on official letterhead) and submit a service- learning proposal based on career/major track.  3GC Inc. screens and evaluates applications and maintains the right to accept or deny applications. All participants are required to take the online/hybrid 3GC Inc Pan African Study Abroad course.

Please click link for the 3GC Inc. formal application or email us at contact@weare3gc.org.

How to become a donor

3GC Inc. welcomes donors to support our mission of taking students of color to Ghana to engage in service learning.  Please visit our donor page to make a donation online. Donors may also mail donations to 3GC Inc to our P.O. Box

3GC Inc., P.O. Box 7114

Silver Spring, MD 20907

We are enthusiastically open to facilitating virtual or in person meetings to discuss corporate donor levels.  Please email us at contact@weare3gc.org or call us at (240) 554-5849.

Corporate donors may request that their donation be earmarked for specific 3GC Inc Initiatives, Projects, and travel funds for participants.

How to become a partner

3GC Inc. promotes collaborative partnerships with organizations, companies, and foundations that share core values and goals.  Please visit our partner page to see current partners. Email us at contact@weare3gc.org or call us at (240) 554-5849 to set up a virtual or in person meeting if you are interested in becoming a 3GC Inc. partner.

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3GC Initiatives

3GC Inc. Collaborative Initiatives

1. Student Travel Resource Fund: to offset trip cost to participants, minimizing finances as a barrier to engage in international service learning in Ghana. Individuals, companies, and organizations can make contributions through our donate page or set up a call for a larger and sustained donor program.

Check out College Care Club, one of our partners empowering students to developing fundraising skills while 3GC supports Black owned business. College Care Club has created a special 3GC Box. Email us at contact@weare3gc.org to buy a 3GC Box where a percentage of each sale goes to student travel costs and 3GC Initiatives in Ghana

2. Telling the African Story Movement: 3GC Inc partners with Antique Lemonade, Mark Beckford (Washington Post Journalist and Howard University Professor- School of Communication), and Aletris Palm (rising film maker) in our collective value to the importance of promoting empowerment of Africa and the Diaspora to tell her own stories through innovative instructional activities among 3GC participants, collaborative workshops in Ghana with university students, internship opportunities, and being an ambassador for Antique Lemonade and young film makers and journalists to creating innovative stories through books, articles, vlogs, spoken word and poetry, visual art, music and dancing, and films.   3GC is elated to be a ambassador for Enna the movie, new project from Antique Lemonade. Click here to view and support!

3. Black Male Initiative: “Because we can”: 3GC recognizes that disparities exist between men and women who study abroad while in college. Statistics from the International Educational Exchange (IIE) reveals that less than 6% of college students of African descent engage in study abroad opportunities. Male college students of African descent in particular makeup 2% of this number. For every 100 students in colleges who study abroad, there are only two African-American males who will travel. 3GC endeavors to engage and motivate the minds of young males of African descent to engage in travel to Africa.   The Initiative actively recruits Black males to attend the annual service learning trips annually during Spring Break and Summer. Additionally, we have curated a special December/January trip for 2020 and beyond that will solely focus on males of African descent in the USA and Caribbean. email to apply for this trip or as an organization or institution to explore a partnership. The platform idea was originated in 2019 by a past Board President Emmanuel Ellard in the importance of engaging more Black Males of color in the Diaspora to travel to Africa. We thank him for the innovation with the help of Mr. Mark Beckford. Check out the Events page for the December 2020 Black Male Initiative trip.

4. The Computer/IT Lab Project: to promote computer literacy and technology access, ultimately impacting the global digital divide, by providing laptops, Chromebooks, and other resources in our local partner school sites in Ghana and providing professional development opportunities for teachers to utilize the resources in classrooms. We currently have a partnership with Google through their employee donor program led by our Technology Specialist and Google representative Mr. Andre Campbell.

5A. Kwame’s Kids Project formerly the Collaborative Library Literacy Project in 2018: The renamed project combined two educational objectives: 1) to promote literacy in Ghana through building of library resources in the form of African centered books and novels for children and university students and 2) to both promote educational empowerment by supplying essential school supplies, books, and instructional resources to local partner schools in Ghana in collaboration.

The original Collaborative Library Literacy Project was renamed in collaboration with the Alpha chapter of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. in honor of Dr. Kwame Nkrumah’s membership in the fraternity and his unwavering dedication to education of all African children. The Alpha Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. also became a partner of the project in 2018 as the sorority holds educational empowerment on a global level as an imperative. The three organizations encourage all participants on every 3GC Inc trip to initiate a campus and community drive at every university where the students matriculate. On average 3GC Inc takes 400-600 books and countless school supplies to Ghana each year.

Check out the Alpha Chapters of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity Inc., and Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., on our partner pages. 

5B. Collaborative Library Literacy Project: Began in 2013, to promote literacy in Ghana through building of library resources in the form of African centered books and novels for children and university students. While the initiative has been renamed Kwame’s Kids Project, #GC values historical documentation of the origin of the evolving initiative.

6. The Pan African Collaborative: The Pan African Student Summit and Pan African Student Conference were Official Year of Return events in Spring and Summer 2019 : to promote platforms for university students from the Diaspora and Africa to convene to facilitate think tanks and action groups related to Pan African agendas in collaboration with True Culture University at University of Ghana and African Student Empowerment Group (ASEG) at University of Cape Coast.  The Summit built upon the 3GC-TCU annual Pan African Student Forums held at UG and UCC since 2014 with other campus Pan African student organizations.

Tangible Pan-Africanism

The three organizations work together with other stakeholders to build momentum to facilitate a Pan African Student Convention in the upcoming year 2021 and beyond.

The two day Pan African Student Summit (Spring 2019) engaged over 100 university students of African descent from the Diaspora with Ghanaian university students to participate in critical discourse and think tanks on essential topics toward the liberation of all African people around the world: identity and social issues, economics and entrepreneurial possibilities, education, and global health and wellness. The Pan African Student Summit also included a collaborative service learning day at Echoing Hills School with Summit participants, 3GC and TCU, CA Study Abroad, Antique Lemonade, African Students Empowerment Group (ASEG), African American Association of Ghana (AAAG) and Caribbean Association of Ghana. The Summit included a keynote speaker, panel discussions, think tanks, networking sessions, entertainment, and more.

The Pan African Student Summit set the foundation for the future Pan-African Student/Youth Convention in Ghana in collaboration with major Pan African Student organizations at both the University of Ghana (International Pan-African Youth Organization) and the University of Cape Coast (ASEG: African Students and Empowerment Group and Africana Conference) to foster network and partnership development between student change makers and budding Pan-Africanist in both the Diaspora and the Continent. The Convention is tentatively scheduled for 2022. Email us for details on how to get involved and how to attend.

Email us for more information to sign up to attend the Pan African Student/Youth Convention in 2021 or pursue becoming a valued partner during Ghana’s Beyond the Return.

7. STEM Outreach: 3GC Inc partners with NSBE Ghana to connect university students in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) in the Diaspora and Ghana to partner in service learning workshops and activities at our local partner schools to promote STEM engagement among our youth from Basic to Secondary Schools. Check out NSBE Ghana on our partner page.

8. 3GC-Suntreso Hospital Partnership: Focuses upon addressing the social justice crisis of maternal and newborn survival. 3GC welcomes public health education and policy, nursing, and medical school students to engage in this partnership and travel with 3GC to put their studies to practice through advocacy and action. The partnership develops health education awareness activities and workshops and raises funds for needed resources at the hospital. See our Partner page for the Suntreso Hospital link.

9. Artisan Highlight Initiative: 3GC partners with local artisans in Ghana for our Pop up shop that can be found on our Instagram page @weare3gc. The Artisan Highlight initiative showcases artisans in Ghana and offers opportunity to purchase their products that profit the artists and 3GC student travel fund.

10. The Greenhouse Project: to advocate for youth to re-engage in agriculture in collaboration with MeClink Company.

Collaborative Initiatives

Computer/IT and Coding Initiative

College and Career Readiness  Workshops

Kwame’s Kids Project with Alpha Chapters of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity Inc and Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc

Half it For Hunger and the Pan African Youth Nutrition Program with TCU and ASEG

3GC and Suntreso Hospital Partnership

Pan African Student Summit 

Service Learning Activities/Workshops Highlights


Career and College Readiness 

Swahili Language 

Positive Identity: Black Girl magic

Managing Stress and Anxiety

Spoken Word

Learning Arithmetic with Art

Howard Occupational Therapy Program

Professional development workshops for school staff upon request

School Counseling projects

Resume writing and interview skills

Business and entrepreneurship


Dance fusion workshop

African and Diaspora history

PanAfricanism- youth engagement

Community Action and Social Justice

Pan African Student Conference

Pan African Student Institute